1428 Midway Rd.
PO Box 415
Menasha, WI 54952
Deerfield Town of - Record Search
Property Search:
This municipality's information was updated on 11/02/2016.
Instructions: |
Simply type information into
any ONE of the above search boxes and click on the SEARCH button.
You will then see a table listing one or more properties, including the
address and parcel number. Click on any parcel number to obtain
more information on that particular property. NOTE: If your search does not return any results, try making it more general. Example: If you are looking for properties on Main Street, enter "main", "MAIN" or "Main" in the Street Name Search. If you are looking for 623 Main Street, enter "623" in the Street Number Search. If you are not finding your property by Parcel Number, it may be listed differently than on your property tax bill. Try searching by Street Name or Street Number. |